Board of Supervisors

According to the Articles of the Bank, the Board of Supervisors is the Bank’s internal supervisory organization and is responsible to the Shareholders’ general meeting. It has the goal of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the Bank, Shareholders, employees, creditors and other stakeholders.

The Bank’s supervisors include shareholders' representative supervisors, employees' representative supervisors and external supervisors. Among them, the proportion of employees' representative supervisors and external supervisors shall not be less than one-third. The Directors, president and other senior executives of the Bank shall not concurrently serve as Supervisors of the Bank. Each session of Supervisors take office for three years. Shareholders' representative supervisors and external supervisors are elected or replaced by the Shareholders’ general meeting, and employees' representative supervisors are elected or replaced by the employee representative meeting of the Bank. Supervisors can be re-elected.

The Board of Supervisors of our Bank is composed of seven Supervisors, including one shareholders' representative Supervisor, three external Supervisors and three employees' representative Supervisors.

Members of the Board of Supervisors: WANG Chunfeng, MA Shuming, QI Ershi, DIAO Qinyi and HUI Yung Chris

Employees’ Representative Supervisors:

Mr. WANG Chunfeng (Chairman of the Board of Supervisors) 

Mr. WANG is a professor (教授) and a doctoral supervisor (博士生导师) with a doctorate’s degree. He served as the director (所长) at the Institute of Systems Engineering, School of Management (管理学院系统工程研究所), the director (主任) of the Financial Engineering Research Center (金融工程研究中心) in Tianjin University. He also served as the secretary general (秘书长) of Tianjin University Beiyang Education Foundation (天津大学北洋教育基金会), a vice president (副总裁) (temporary assignment) (挂职) at Bohai Securities Co., Ltd., a deputy director (副主任) at Tianjin Municipal Development Planning Commission (天津市发展计划委员会), a deputy secretary of the party committee, the president (总裁), a secretary of the party committee, the chairman of the board of directors at Bohai Securities Co., Ltd. (渤海证券股份有限公司). He now serves as a deputy secretary of the party committee, the chairman of the Board of Supervisors (监事长), the union president (工会主席) at our Bank, the chairman of the board of supervisors of the Northern Finance Institute (北方新金融研究院). 

Mr. MA Shuming 

Mr. MA is an economist with a bachelor’s degree. He served as a league secretary and the director of the union office of the Jilin Central sub-branch of the People’s Bank of China; the acting head of the personnel division, director of the office (director of the party committee office), deputy researcher, secretary to the discipline inspection commission and committee member of the party committee of the CBRC Jilin sub-office; the deputy director and director of the back office services center of the CBRC Jilin office; the secretary to the party committee and director of the CBRC Siping office; a member of the preparation team, member of the party committee and vice president of the Bank’s Changchun branch, the secretary to the party committee, president of the Tianjin Binhai New District branch of the Bank and the director of the office of the Board of Supervisors of the Bank, director of the Inspection Office under the Party Committee of CHINA BOHAI BANK CO., LTD., director (concurrent position) of the Discipline Inspection Liaison Office under the Party Committee of CHINA BOHAI BANK CO., LTD., and a member and secretary (concurrent position) of the Party Committee for Discipline Inspection of CHINA BOHAI BANK CO., LTD. He now serves as an employees representative Supervisor, a member of the Party Committee of the Beijing Branch of CHINA BOHAI BANK CO., LTD. (中共渤海银行股份有限公司北京分行委员会), and a member and secretary of the Party Committee for Discipline Inspection of the Beijing Branch of CHINA BOHAI BANK CO., LTD. (中共渤海银行股份有限公司北京分行纪律检查委员会).

External Supervisors:

Mr. QI Ershi

Mr. QI is a professor and a doctoral supervisor with a master’s degree. He served as the head (院长) at the College of Management in Tianjin University, an expert of the National High-Tech Research and Development Program (国家高技术研究发展计划) (“863 Program”), the director (主任) of the Management Science and Engineering Specialty Teaching Guidance Committee of Higher Schools of the Ministry of Education (教育部高等学校管理科学与工程类专业教学指导委员会), a general expert of Informatization of the Ministry of Science and Technology (科技部). He now serves as an external Supervisor of our Bank, a professor (教授) at the College of Management and Economics (管理与经济学部) in Tianjin University, an expert in management innovation methods of the Ministry of Science and Technology, an expert in the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council (国务院学位委员会).

Mr. DIAO Qinyi

Mr. DIAO is a senior economist with a bachelor’s degree. He worked at Agricultural Bank of China, and served as a member of the party committee and a vice president at Shandong branch (山东省分行) of Agricultural Bank of China, a secretary of the party committee and the president at Shandong branch, the general manager of the credit management department (信贷管理部) and the credit review and approval center (信贷审查审批中心) (tier-two department) (二级部) (director level) (正局级), the chief operating officer (运营管理总监), the chief investment officer (投资总监), and the chief compliance officer (合规总监) at the head office, an external director (外部董事) at Angang Group Company Limited (鞍钢集团有限公司), and a director at CITIC-Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd.(中信保诚人寿保险有限公司). He now serves as an external Supervisor of our Bank and an independent director of Bank of Hebei Co., Ltd. 

Mr. HUI Yung Chris

Mr. HUI has a bachelor’s degree. He served as a manager of the financial engineering department at the Hong Kong branch of Citibank N.A., a vice president of the debt transaction group at Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Limited, a director in the global markets, debt capital markets South Asia department at the Hong Kong branch of Deutsche Bank AG, a managing director at Barclays Capital Asia Limited (during which period he had also been the head of the investment banking department in China and Hong Kong, a director at New China Trust Co., Ltd., a founding partner at J&Partners GP Limited, the secretary of the board of directors at Wanda Commercial Properties Company Limited, a non-executive director at Wanda Hotel Development Company Limited, a director and an executive director of Hong Kong Taigu (China) Group Co., Ltd and director of its subsidiary, New Weigu (Fujian) Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. (Previous company name: Weigu (Guangdong) Biological Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., and an independent non-executive director of Clarity Medical Group Holding Limited. He now serves as an external Supervisor of our Bank, and the chief executive officer and an executive director of Clarity Medical Group Holding Limited.